SIDCO Energy Services Ltd supply the highest quality Inlet and Exhaust Valves and Valve Seats for Jenbacher Series 3 Gas Engines.
The combustion chamber of the Jenbacher Series 3 Gas Engines can experience temperatures during normal operation of over 550 Deg C. This puts considerable mechanical demands upon the components, such as valves and valve seats which are exposed to the combustion gases and combustion contaminants.
Jenbacher 3 series gas engines run on a range of different gaseous fuels such as natural gas, biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas and coal seam gas. These fuels have varying levels of contaminants.
The effects of these contaminants in the fuel, which are present in varying degrees depending upon the gas source, and the use of gas scrubbing technology, add significantly to the demands placed on the engine components.
Valve seat wear results from both the impact of the valve on the seat when the valves close, and the sliding of the valve on the seat as a result of pressure in the combustion chamber. One particular issue affecting the latter is the misalignment of the valve relative to the seat. When we build our cylinder heads we ensure near perfect valve / seat concentricity, which we check by measuring the valve seat run-out, and then verify the valve seating by vacuum leak testing.
Through the use of improved metallurgy, precision controlled heat treatment, superior surface finishing, and quality controlled manufacturing processes, we offer you the best performing valves available for Jenbacher Series 3 Gas Engines. As we have these manufactured for us in the EU in large batch quantities, and work with low margins, our prices for these valves are surprisingly low, for what are the best valves you can put in your Jenbacher engine.
Quality control during manufacture and inspection ensures that our valves meet our engineering specifications, and will provide superior performance.
Precisely detailed material specifications, combined with special surface treatments providing smooth surface finish at a molecular level, work to reduce the build up of combustion deposits on the valve stem, resulting in reduced valve guide wear, and improved heat transfer between the valve stem and valve guide.
The build up of combustion deposits on the valves results in reduced heat tranfer from the valve to the seat. The resultant higer valve temperature reduces valve and seat insert life. SIDCO valves, with their special surface treatments providing a smooth surface finish, result in reduced build up of combustion deposits, increased heat transfer, and longer valve and seat life.
Our close attention to detail of both specification and in the process of surface finish hardness, to a controlled depth, ensures valve head flexibility is maintained. This is essential to ensure sufficient conformability of the valve head to provide reliable seating and reduce the incidence of 'tracking' across the valve/seat gas sealing face, which if permitted could lead to premature valve seat burning.
Our extensive operational knowledge and experience, combined with acute attention to detail in aspects of material specification, valve geometry, and manufacturing processes, result in the best valves for Jenbacher Gas Engines.
For engines operating on Landfill Gas sites, there is an increasing problem with build up of siloxanes on the valve gear and in the combustion chamber. This leads to reduced component life, increased frequency of maintenance, and reduced engine availability. SIDCO's inlet and exhaust valves reduce the build up of siloxanes on the valve stem and head, resulting in increased engine reliabiity and availability.
Our Inlet and Exhaust valves are service proven to last longer than any other valve. Our customers save money due to improved engine reliability, extended service intervals, and reduced maintenance costs.
If you have had problems with valve and seat life of your existing valves, then we would welcome you to contact us, and we shall be more than willing to supply you with valves and seats so that you can run a direct operating comparison in your engines. We're confident you will soon see the direct financial benefits to you.
We hold large stocks of Inlet Valves, Outlet Valves, and Valve Seat Inserts (including all oversized seats) for the Jenbacher 3 series gas engines. Ready for same day despatch to our customers.